Happy Birthday Art Chantry
"Mr. Chantry is probably best known for expanding on the bristling low-tech aesthetic of punk music, in posters and album covers..."
"These works reflect an omnivorous talent for the incisive recycling of vintage images, usually with a handmade look that Mr. Chantry calls roughed up."
"Among his sources are 60's psychedelic posters, wholesome 50's advertising (including pages from tool catalogs and grocery store circulars) and Monty Python's gloss on Edwardian illustration -- usually presented with a sense of clashing social values. These are underscored by techniques like torn-edge collage, taped images, messy script, punch-printed lettering, startling juxtapositions and endless variations on the possibilities of photographic graininess achieved by repeated photocopying."
Read the whole review from The New york Times
Check his book: Some People Can't Surf

Labels: Designer, Poster, visual cultural