Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Web Design Inspiration - 25 Websites With Beautiful Background Part II

Monday, March 16, 2009

Poetry and Animation

In general, animation and poetry can share some similar and pertinent characteristics.
  1. Often, both occur in short form and use language (signifier) to either condense or suggest meaning.
  2. Both forms are also informed by the self-reflexive presence of the author.
  3. deliberately play with established codes and conventions of expression and visualization.
  4. Both maintain an openness to interpretation through the various layers of meaning embedded in the literal execution of the message and material expressed.
The following is an example of a poem expressed and re-invented using the animation medium.
Julian Grey of Head Gear Animation has embraced the special relationship between poetry and animation in his interpretation of ex-USA Poet Laureate, Billy Collins's poetry. See Julian's sundance action poetry series for Sundance Channe. http://www.chenwangdesign.com/blog/images/poetry01.pnghttp://www.chenwangdesign.com/blog/images/poetry02.png
